Monday, April 18, 2016

Paris #5 4 day cake party

My Paris trip is coming to an end, and life and thesis waits just around the corner. Paris is amazing, and Paris has been so good to and for me. I've lived in a relatively stress-free bubble for almost a week, and I've walked in average 18 km a day. It's really no wonder my feet hurt a little.

Paris #4 Let them eat cake!

You may have noticed I have a bit of an affection for old royal palaces. Last year I had a spontaneous trip to Kensington Palace (link), and today the trip went to Versailles. It was horribly cold outside, but probably also because we were up three hours earlier than we have been the past couple of days. I was tired of trying to fit my black spring coat places around me without ruining, so I'd adorned my blue rain coat which can fold into itself.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Paris #3 Royalty for a day

I was so tired after yesterday that I slept through the first alarm, probably also because I was using earplugs. We woke up and I had another breakfast of champs, again featuring fresh strawberries. I had way too much breakfast though, so I felt like a bloated fish for too long, which was kinda unpractical really, and majorly uncomfortable as well. It meant that I didn't really focus too much on the paintings in the Louvre, but I felt better during the afternoon, however. That's also when I had my first crepe.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Paris #2 Liberté, égalité, fraternité

Cécile and I decided to sleep in, and I had a breakfast of champs with fresh strawberries. Along with that I had a mint tea and an espresso. After finishing that we were ready to go. I decided to put on summer pants and no socks, which was a bit of a... bet for me, as it would be way too cold for that back home. However, it wasn't cold, my feet have been perfectly warm all day and so have the rest of me.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Paris #1 Paris, baby

I didn't realize how much I had actually missed writing these entries. I have longed for it, and I have also longed for a hiatus from thesis writing and Denmark. So I decided on a trip to Paris because I really want to see the city and I very much needed to go see a friend too.