Sunday, February 15, 2015

Week 3: Towns and cities

There are words in my head and stories in my hands:

The week has been as I guess it will be from now on. Modules on Tuesday, Bodyattack on Wednesday resulting in a broken body all through Thursday, Friday, Saturday and today. Thursday I had more modules and I could barely walk down stairs. Friday I did school work for a presentation on Tuesday and had dinner with a couple of girls. Yesterday I relaxed, and today, in honor of my three weeks in Glasgow I went on a tour to St. Andrews and Dundee.
It's Valentine's Weekend (yes, there is such a thing). I'm not going to dwell too much on Valentine's because it'll simply make me angry; instead I chose to go on a tour and have fun and be happy.
I ordered the trip as an impromptu decision Thursday - what else would I have done today? Honestly, I have no idea.

It was a day of tales, myths, a lot of walking, sunshine and beautiful, cute towns.

St. Andrews

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Across the pond

It is poorly hidden on this blog that my first choice of exchange was not Glasgow, but rather Shippensburg University in USA. As I wrote in the Welcome page (link) I always considered staying in Europe as staying too close to home. I wanted to go far away, and I wanted to go to the States because that's where my dreams of exchange were. I wanted to go so desperately, and though I complained about all the insanely demanding and expensive preparations I did them anyhow, because I knew they were the ticket to my exchange.
As seen on the Preparation page (link) I was supposed to leave Denmark on January 15th. On January 8th my exchange fell through because of unforeseen events.
Did it hurt? Yes, it hurt. A lot. Months of preparing, months of looking forward was suddenly worth absolutely nothing, and not even considering the money lost here.

Instead of flying across an ocean I flew "across the pond" and landed safely in Glasgow, realizing in the process that I might just get more out of this stay than I would have in the States. I have never set foot in the UK before, and I have been to the States more times than I care to count, so this is new turf for me. This is unexplored turf, and culturally a lot different than what I would expect to find in the States.
Maybe selecting the States above all other destinations was a safety switch for me, because I have been there before, and I know my way around.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Sunday of 44 selfies

So, this is the entry with the many selfies we took on the treasure hunt last Sunday. I will not go into details here, as you can read about the treasure hunt and the pains and hurts therefore in this entry (link).
Instead I will just post some of the pictures here, because I didn't have them at the time when I wrote the entry. As we were allowed to have one member of the group taking the picture, not all of them are selfies, but the idea counts.

One of the entrances to Rottenrow Garden
There were some extra points to get, and we got four extra points.

1: For making a picture with the three monkeys, as shown below

2: Doing YMCA

3: Taking a picture with irn bru, some kind of orangey soda with caffeine in it and an undefinable taste

4: Taking a selfie with a yellow car. Ours proved to be a tad difficult as the car was moving while we took the picture.

A picture with a dog chasing a cat chasing a bird
See more selfies below!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Week 2: Hunting selfies

My week has been just as quiet as the blog has. I was at classes and then I was sick most of the week, so I mainly just slept and relaxed, not much of sightseeing nor much to tell, so I found it better once again to just collect more things and put it into one entry.
I succeeded in going to all my classes and ending up in the right ones as well. I was extremely proud of myself.

Yesterday Seher and I went for a walk around town. We ended up getting ourselves lost and in the process seeing more of the town than I had seen so far. We walked along Buchanan Street which is the high street where we saw these awesome guys. They just had a lot of fun.
A bit further down the street another guy was walking a tight rope and playing violin, and yet further down a guy was singing Ed Sheeran covers. Buchanan Street is definitely a busy street on Saturday evenings, and the shops close at 6:30 PM on Saturdays. 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Week 1: Glasgow on my mind

It has been quiet on the blog over the last couple of days. I didn't want to start every entry with "it has been a slow day..." so I decided I wanted to post something when I had more to write about.
My first week in Glasgow has now come and gone, and my oh my, it has happened so fast.
The week has been strange, stressful, frustrating, fun, not nearly as demanding as I thought it would be, relaxing and a little bit of everything.
I have been homesick and Friday I woke up feeling a bit under the weather. Thursday I had my first module, although I ended up sitting in on the wrong one.
There has been parties every night, and I have met so many nice people. My bathroom and shower is surprisingly clean, so the fears I might have had about sharing it... well, lets just say they don't apply anymore.