Sunday, February 8, 2015

Week 2: Hunting selfies

My week has been just as quiet as the blog has. I was at classes and then I was sick most of the week, so I mainly just slept and relaxed, not much of sightseeing nor much to tell, so I found it better once again to just collect more things and put it into one entry.
I succeeded in going to all my classes and ending up in the right ones as well. I was extremely proud of myself.

Yesterday Seher and I went for a walk around town. We ended up getting ourselves lost and in the process seeing more of the town than I had seen so far. We walked along Buchanan Street which is the high street where we saw these awesome guys. They just had a lot of fun.
A bit further down the street another guy was walking a tight rope and playing violin, and yet further down a guy was singing Ed Sheeran covers. Buchanan Street is definitely a busy street on Saturday evenings, and the shops close at 6:30 PM on Saturdays. 

Seeing more of Buchanan Street was a nice thing, and there are so, so, so many shops that I'm surprised neither of us ended up buying something.

Today we met up at Rottenrow Gardens at Strathclyde University for a treasure hunt across the eastern part of town. We saw some of Necropolis, a cathedral and a lot of paintings on the wall, maybe also known as graffiti. We had teamed up with two students from Strathclyde, and we made up a rather nice team, ending up on a total of 44 points. Just enough for the last place. 
The treasure hunt is mainly about finding sights in the city and then taking a selfie in front of it/them. And since we got 44 points it means we took 44 selfies, which is more than I have ever taken before. I guess I'll have to do a selfie post one of the next days when I get the pictures.   


We walked approximately 18K steps in just a couple of hours, and my legs and hips now hurt. After the treasure hunt we decided to go for hot chocolate and coffee because all of us were cold. It was maybe one of the weakest chocolates I have ever gotten in my life.
On the treasure hunt I saw places of the city that I hadn't seen before or even knew existed. I came across a Eastern European Shop, where I later went back for surelis. If the shop wasn't that far away I might actually want to go back for more one day. When it's warmer...


1 comment:

  1. Buchanan Street is amazing! I saw the tightrope/violin guy, and that Scottish band in the brown kilts are great! I'm still amazed by the amount of street performers, but I really enjoy it! I also went on the Scavenger Hunt, but I went for the GCU one. I really enjoyed it, and while I was very sore, it was so much fun! I'm glad you had a good time!


Be nice... :)