... and how it happens without permission
I keep saying that I probably won't ever go abroad again when it comes to study relations because I simply didn't learn much at GCU. The academic standards were somehow lower than those at Aarhus University, and I went abroad with the mindset of learning. This means I was somewhat unprepared for all the other things I came to learn during my stay - most of those not even academic.
At first I found it difficult to fall back into my old life because there was no way I could ever implement my people at home in the things that had been going on. It's as if I stopped living, stopped existing to some degree, but I didn't. I just lived and existed some place different.
Reintegrating into my 'other life' didn't happen over-night. In reality, it took months. I've never experienced such a want to be some place else, than the want and need I experienced shortly after coming home from South Africa in September 2014.
This, for me, is a clear indicator that Glasgow came to be much more than just a place where I was an exchange student during the spring of 2015.
It also dawned on me that my initial assessment that nothing had changed while I was gone, was wrong. In reality, nothing ever stays the same, and life is as dynamic as we allow it to be, so I needed to find my place in the slip-stream of everything that happened while I was gone while still assimilating into current life.
I don't stop traveling because I left Glasgow, quite the contrary. In order to let go out the era where this blog was only about Glasgow, a time that was unmergeable, I decided on a new domain and an overhaul of the blog.
All my Scotland travels will stay, but there is room for more adventures.
So enjoy - and have fun!
I felt the exact same way coming back, but good for you for realizing and redoing your blog to reflect how you have changed!!