Sunday, August 30, 2015

August: Home

It's months since I came home, and I've been holding out on doing this entry as I wasn't even sure I wanted to, but "Glasgow" hasn't ended for me yet, and I am sure it won't. I might be home in my own apartment, in my own bed (yay!), but I still miss Glasgow, a lot. Even more on days when it rains.

I thought I would miss Glasgow the most after I got home, and at that time it was the most. Glasgow had come to be my home, and it took a month to adjust to Danish life again. Falling back into old routines, falling back into the comforts of my own apartment.
Then I thought that was it. I knew I would still miss the people, but keeping in touch really never has been easier.

Then a month ago I had the pleasure of showing pictures from my trips around Scotland, and that brought on a fresh wave of Glasgow-blues.  Two weeks later I made my way to Aarhus University for an exam I had pushed back, and it was so weird. For the first time in 9 months I was back at my own university. Next week school starts back up, but I still have my sim-card and English phone number, and I keep reminding myself that I'm not going back to GCU.

It's strange that I now feel this way about GCU when I in the beginning loathed it. I don't know what Glasgow did to me, or the people I met there, but I have a feeling that I will always miss Glasgow. Probably, this is just a way of saying that I am in no way done with Glasgow or Scotland.

I was told to keep writing my blog, but this blog has been reserved for my adventures in Glasgow, and I can't bring myself to taint it with my life as it is now.
This is not an if/when situation; when I go back to Glasgow I will keep you guys posted on my continuous Glaswegian adventures.
That promise I will make because I will be back sooner rather than later.

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Be nice... :)