Sunday, February 1, 2015

Week 1: Glasgow on my mind

It has been quiet on the blog over the last couple of days. I didn't want to start every entry with "it has been a slow day..." so I decided I wanted to post something when I had more to write about.
My first week in Glasgow has now come and gone, and my oh my, it has happened so fast.
The week has been strange, stressful, frustrating, fun, not nearly as demanding as I thought it would be, relaxing and a little bit of everything.
I have been homesick and Friday I woke up feeling a bit under the weather. Thursday I had my first module, although I ended up sitting in on the wrong one.
There has been parties every night, and I have met so many nice people. My bathroom and shower is surprisingly clean, so the fears I might have had about sharing it... well, lets just say they don't apply anymore.

Last night the girls and I met up in the common room. Three guys joined us later, and we played pool. At first we played girls against guys, but as that took quite a while we decided to play tournament instead. I won... 

Today started as last Sunday did. I met up with my friend and we had breakfast together. After that we went into town, which is approximately 7 minutes from Caledonian Court where we shopped to our heart's content in Forever21, Primark and Poundland. I didn't buy that much since I now have everything I need. Later today Tesco is going to deliver my food for the next week, which is a luxury I'm thoroughly thrilled with. Imagine just sitting at your desk and ordering food, and then some guy deliver it straight to your door. All you have to do is unpack. No heavy lifting and carrying your bags for miles and then having blue fingers afterwards. 


After shopping we went into Pret A Manger where we had lunch and I had a cup of hot chocolate.

This is how an average week of mine is going to look like the next couple of months. As you can see I have modules on Tuesday and Thursday leaving Monday, Wednesday and Friday free for whatever I would want to entertain myself with. Mainly this will be yoga and different work outs, sightseeing, movies and of course homework, if I have any.
I am rather surprised by my light schedule and even more by the fact that we are not expected to read anything before classes, as much as we are just expected to prepare our own presentation and listen to the other presentations. This is very different from the way I'm used to doing things in Denmark.

1 comment:

  1. Hey I love this post, I'm also studying at GCU! The croissant at Pret are my favorite thing I've tried so far! I was also surprised by how light my course load was, but it leaves me with a lot of time to explore Scotland and the rest of Europe!


Be nice... :)